Wednesday 19 September 2012

Building vs Outsourcing Your Data Center

The current market challenges

The global financial crisis, the pressure on supplier prices and profitability, and increased capital costs are driving companies today to charge more for less. In addition, organizations looking to reduce general and administrative expenses, including costs associated with IT hardware, storage, networking and applications to maintain shareholder value. Most importantly, the information technology (IT) management and reduce the current maintenance costs in order to free up funds for development and investment in new technology reviews in support of technical infrastructure more responsive, flexible and low demand. To accomplish this, companies continue to streamline assets originated during the 1990s IT spending spree, using a global delivery model more efficient, and using virtualization technology. In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by the Service Group IDG, is 72% or companies investing in server virtualization, 41% of desktop virtualization, 41% in storage virtualization, the 23% of enterprise virtualization / data center, and 22% application virtualization.

The key market drivers for virtualization solutions

IT departments continue to invest in and fall flat budget cycles by optimizing existing server and desktop virtualization and captured synergies through the adoption of multiple virtualization technologies. One of the most significant advantages of virtualization is that it has the ability to scale applications and infrastructure. Furthermore, the time on the market faster by increasing the speed, flexibility and quality of service and infrastructure. Virtualization Increases continuity, disaster recovery, availability of resources. Virtualization also extends the benefits of enterprise architecture (SOA), facilitating the sharing of reusable IT assets across multiple operating systems.

The rapid adoption of virtualization is also being driven by the need to continue using older systems before and during migration. Focus on corporate green initiatives to reduce power and cooling requirements associated infrastructure are driving the implementation of virtualization. Further fueling the trend towards virtualization is the increasing sophistication and capabilities of the technology itself. Recent hypervisors result in minimal differences between metal and virtualized systems and technology in other areas of virtualization solutions, such as storage, networking and applications, maturing rapidly. Finally, because it isolates the resources end users through an abstraction layer, companies see virtualization as an important element of cloud computing.

From integrated virtual data center environments

Virtualization is a method of abstraction of software systems and the underlying physical hardware resources of their host (virtual memory on a computer). By breaking the link between the physical hardware and the software, allowing virtualization to run multiple virtual machines with heterogeneous operating systems simultaneously on the same

Hi guys check out my for more details on data center build

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