Thursday 20 September 2012

Why Companies Should Choose a Michigan Data Center

business center is an important part of their IT infrastructure and enterprise IT infrastructure is essential to your business. For the average current business if any part of the IT infrastructure is not available, the company's operations to a halt causing loss of time, productivity and profit. When choosing placement, if a company considers a place that is both cost effective and minimizes the risk of natural disasters. A Michigan location provides the perfect environment for a day center running with minimal downtime and reduce operating costs.

An area with low risk of natural disasters, and has a cool, temperate climate is the best location for a data center. A Michigan data center meets all these requirements only. Placement can be delivered more cost effective, reliable and with a Midwest work ethic inaccessible to others across the country.

What makes Michigan a more stable position than others and the best option for companies when choosing a colocation data center?

1. A low risk of earthquakes.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Mapping Project in 2008 showed that the entire state of Michigan has a maximum ground acceleration extremely low (PGA). This is an accurate measuring instruments and reflects how hard the earth shakes in a given area. This suggests that disruption of the operation of a Michigan data, and in turn the overall productivity of the company of an earthquake is extremely unlikely.

2. A low risk of tornadoes and hurricanes.
At Michigan data centers face a significantly lower risk of tornadoes and hurricanes compared to the rest of the U.S.. According to a map of the American Red Cross National Hurricane detailing hazard areas, Michigan is in the lowest risk. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Tornado hazard map shows the number of recorded tornadoes per 1,000 square miles between 1953 and 2004 in the U.S.. Michigan is among the states with the lowest risk experience tornados become only 4:59 for the entire year within 50. A Michigan data center is in a much lower risk of a serious crisis due to the very low incidence of hurricanes and tornadoes compared to the rest of the country.

3. A story about the smallest number of major natural disasters in the United States.
According to NOAA, from 1980 to 2009, Michigan experienced the lowest number of natural disasters causing $ 1 billion or more in damages. In fact, only Alaska has fewer large natural disasters Michigan. It is ideal for companies that have opted for placement, as it is extremely stable.

Come and try our for detailed information on data center designs

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